
17,000 Students Tutored in Reading

Students in PreK through 12th grade receive after school tutoring in essential reading skills. With up to 32 hours of tutoring per semester, in small groups of 3 or 4 students, students make great gains in their reading skills!

Does It Work?

How It Works

Overall, students make more than a full-year growth in one semester! 100% of kindergarten students reached grade level, and students in upper grades gain more than 3 grade levels.

Typical grade-level growth per semester of tutoring:

We hire classroom teachers and other education staff members, and then we train them, support them, and monitor them every month.

Tutors provide weekly instruction in

  • oral language skills,
  • phonemic awareness,
  • phonics,
  • fluency,
  • vocabulary, and
  • comprehension.

We help teachers learn to teach reading, and they take those skills back to their classrooms—so every student can benefit!

Learn more about the Literacy Tutoring Program here.

Tutoring and Classroom Teachers

But what about all those students who don’t get to participate in tutoring?

Based on state assessment results for non-tutored, third-grade students from four districts, students in tutors’ classrooms do better on the state assessment than students in non-tutors’ classrooms. Much better!

This means

  1. Serving as a 3 Rivers tutor improves classroom instruction,
  2. The tutoring instructional approach works in classrooms, and
  3. The tutoring program increases achievement for non-tutored students, too!
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