500,000 Book Give Away
We can’t expect children to love reading if they don’t have access to high-quality, high-interest books!
Through super discounts from our book acquisition partners, we have purchased more than 500,000 books. Most of them are brand new and very beautiful. We even have special literacy materials for birth—5-year-old children and their families.
And we give them away for free!
Books in Communities
We provide books more than 300 public locations for children and families to take, read, enjoy, and share.
Whether it’s McDonalds, the local laundromat, a pediatric health clinic, or a community event, we put books where people are. Look for our book tables, book racks, and little free libraries. They’re everywhere!
Books in Schools
In every region, more than 85 different titles of classroom sets of books are available for check-out. Each set contains 28–30 books, enough for an entire class to read. That’s more than 30,000 books directly into students’ hands!
All book sets have accompanying instructional unit guides to help teachers create instructional opportunities that improve students’ reading skills. See the Book Lists here.
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